Monday, April 16, 2012

Barkskin animation?

Ok, so this has been bothering me for a while now, and I haven't seen anyone post on the subject, so I thought I would take it upon myself to see what u all think. While in bear form, the animation for barkskin is absolutley ridiculous looking, its like a hoola-hoop made of jungle vines circulating through our ears. Why isn't it a cool animation like, covering the Bear in "Barkskin" literaly, like a cool bark armor. Seems pretty logical to me. I hate the current animation so much I almost don't even wanna pop it, cuz it's so ugly. And I haven't seen any mention of correcting it in 4.3 or in the Xpac. So, I just wanted to hear what u all think about it, and maybe some suggestions to make it better.
it's 7 years old.
a texture change similar to the flame staff with some particles would probably due fine.

Its so you can pop barkskin, then /dance..


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