I've been simming pretty regularly with mew as I get upgrades to make sure I'm constantly reforged appropriately, but today I came across something very peculiar. With raid buffs and such my stats usually look like this:
Hit/Exp - 1.5
Haste - 1.45
Crit - 1.3
Mastery - 1.3
But upon simming today I discovered that crit fell to .5 value for seemingly no reason. I'm not sure what caused this -- is there some sort of reason or explanation why crit falls drastically short after a certain point...or perhaps am I dealing with a sim-anamoly?
Any help would be great, thanks!
Honestly your best shot at a response is to go to the Cat forums at The Inc Bear and ask Yawning/Kon/Tang:
I'm not sure if this explains your particular problem with mew - but...
Wow rolls attacks according to a table:
I'm not sure how high of a crit rating you're simming, but it's *possible* that you've gone high enough that your white hits are no longer gaining any benefit from additional crit rating.
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