Ive tanked every encounter in Firelands (bah killing herioc rag) as a Feral tank , and ive not done any of them with dodge at all.
To me dodge is a waste of time, being in a raid group with a warrior tank i let him maintank everyfight, and ill be the offtank/melee dps. i reforge everything so that i lvl out my crit and mastery(my gear atm is speced for cat as i am no longer a tank), but having my crit just higher than my mastery, so my Matrix procs crit. the theory behind this is that having a high crit chance, comboed with hit cap and 20 expertise rating means that u have a maximum chance of procing ure SD shields, and pulling over 23k dps every fight, if ure doing the right rotation and utilising cat form when ever u can.
Yes dodge can be easyer on the healer, but having a high output dps tank can benefit alot by making the target die alot faster. IE herioc alys, i burst 265k dps and my add dies within 15 seconds, hence the healer has to do very little if any healing. compared to a tank which does 100k dps, gets hit by the worm countless times, gets the DOT debuff , and also cannot put up his shield at a constant rate.
People can do all the math and crap behind dodge and say in the long run it will do more midigation. i really couldnt care about it, mastery works. really well if u can play the spec/class right. being able to do 27k dps on herioc rag in burn phases as a tank, while having awsome midigation can benefit your group alot.
if healers are having trouble keeping you up in ure mastery build, then change some enchants around, IE armor to cape and gloves, or change a few trinkets around, personally i find rolling cooldowns on a regular basis puts that problem away. having the FL rep trinket with the agi on use is also a really good cooldown to have if ure fighting a boss which needs to die really quickly.
All in all when 4.3 comes out im not sure weather im going to keep the same stratigy or go all out mastery, we will soon see how the new bear buffs work and the AP bonus aswell.
hmm, how does mastery help you kill your hatchling faster?
Higher vengenace?
:) i suspect you'll find that it's 'ure' ability to play the spec/class right that was working so well for you back when you were tanking, than your mastery and crit.
expertise soft capping is pretty damn nice though!
Well yeh ure right mastery didnt help me kill the bird any faster, but the fact that i didnt have to reforge out of crit at all to put dodge on my gear enabled me to use dps trinkets and a different playstyle to other druid tanks. IE for the first 4 seconds when the bird spawns, it doesnt attack u, so u can get a rip, mangle and a rake up on him. then thorns urself and get into bear, pop all c/ds and drop him really fast, little things like that make it easyer. and knowing that you have a high crit chance, ure spells are alwayse going to crit if u have pulv up, i think i was at 58% crit when pulv was up 100% of the time, so that makes a huge difference aswell :)
doesn't everyone use DPS trinkets?
:P now if rag would only start dropping his restabiliser again, seed+fluid is getting old :(
yep, definitely sounds like it's your playstyle, rather than a fractionally higher chance to proc SD that's doing you good.
Hopefully T13 continues to allow that kind of play so we can enjoy it a little longer before pandaland comes along and guts our bear spec cat form :P
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