new to boomkin, this is the best gear that i have access to at the moment. any suggestions regarding reforging/spec/what to get next/gemming/etc? thanks.
also here's some parses if anyone could look into them and let me know if i should change anything
I would recommend straight Brilliant gems in the chest and pants, and lavawalker on boots(and peerless stats but wait til you have the boomkin tier piece before grabbing that). As for upgrades, you need 4p T12 right away which should be easy seeing that you have the head and shoulders already.
Spec looks fine, just remember to take focus out on fights where you can't guarantee being within 20yds.
Logs look fine, you are just really being hurt with all the pvp gear and lack of 4p T12.
thanks for the feedback, any other feedback is also appreciated!
Oh, almost forgot, too much hit. Try going to and plugging yourself in with the hit cap set to 1742 after making the gemming changes. That way you won't have wasted points on excessive hit.
your gear is holding you back, but even still I think you can improve your NG uptime. work on moving back and forth between eclipses as fast as humanly possible. Getting your 4set will help with that.
also based on your logs it looks like you not taking as much advantage of the solar side of eclipse as you could, solar eclipse should ideally have a higher uptime.
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