Saturday, April 14, 2012

Boomkin PvP help !

[:1]Is there any guide or anything helpful in here for Boomkin PvP ?
Mainly looking for a talent tree + glyphs and macros.

Thanks. ;)

Being serious though there are very few resources due to a general lack of people playing it competitively. The best thing seems to be to ask specific questions with your characters armory and someone with some understanding of competitive balance PvP will try to answer them. Additionally f you can stand the awful people that generally inhabit AJ there is probably some good info to be had on there.
Don't go to Arena Junkies. There was 1 Moonkin PvP thread the last time I checked their Class Discussion boards. 90% of the posts are garbage, outdated, or just non-Druid/Moonkin players spewing filth that rivals the stench of decaying animal carcass. Rarely will you ever get a legit response from a legit player (someone with personal experience, rather than secondary).
I really hard to dig to re-find this posting but this might help you some this is a discussion I had with some boomkins the other day to help with macros and such Hope these help ya and best of luck.
I would armory a few different boomkins but a must have glyph would be for barkskin.

As a balance druid, don't expect to go off by yourself and do well every time. We are very easily countered by melee, especially frost death knights, rogues, and ferals. A moonkin that can freecast is pretty scary. Spread your dots, and try to detonate 3 mushrooms on every detonate cooldown. Place them not just for aoe but strategically around obstacles or in doorways. Same goes for solar beam.

Good luck, balance pvp can be very frustrating.

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