"With a Little Helper from My Friends"
Earn 50 honorable kills while you have a buff that is removed by shapeshifting.
Really Blizz? REALLY?
So you expect me to AFK in battlegrounds till I earn that achievement?
Anyone has any tips for that?
Go to Isle of Conquest with the buff
Hop in a cannon
If your tower gets attacked, jump out of the cannon and hop off the tower. Run to the other tower, climb it, and hop in a cannon.
I got about 35 HKs on my first go.
Go resto...
I have no idea, didn't try this on my feral last year, but I would hope that there would be some way to get the buff while in form. Just seems silly that druids would be singled out and not be able to complete this achieve.
I have no idea, didn't try this on my feral last year, but I would hope that there would be some way to get the buff while in form. Just seems silly that druids would be singled out and not be able to complete this achieve.
Shapeshifting sheds the buff.
Fortunately, there are vehicle-based battlegrounds where your spec becomes irrelevant. This also allows players who are absolutely terrible at PVP (like me) to get these achievements.
Seriously, cannons in Isle of Conquest.
I know I'm not a druid, but have helped a couple get this last year. We made a party that was the druid (kitty not that it matters in context), frost mage, fire mage, sub rogue, and warrior. Magi do the kills, rogue and warrior to peel off druid if needed, and found a pally in the bg to keep us not dead. Worked really well, one AV and done.
The druid tossed random lolheals, roots, rezzes, but other than that just stayed out of the way.
If you can, try and hook up with some other people that are after the achievement and take turns. By the end of the day, you can all have it.
Easy way -> The vehicle based BGs are awesome for these style achievements.
Best of luck.
I've been complaining about this achievement since they added it. In fact, I've refused to do it because it goes against their design ideas and yet every year they refuse to comment on it. Maybe if they admitted they made a mistake, I'd feel better about it, but to purposfully make 1 class join a BG and play half-assed is against the spirit fo the game. It's stupid and blizzard shouldn't encourage it.
i never though of the vehicle thing, don't you lose the costume when you jump in a vehicle?
I just went resto for it last year and tried to heal, its just random BGs so nobody cares if your healing sucks. But yes, its a boneheaded achieve.
I carry a hodgepodge collection of caster gear, most of which is from the new heroics (so it's decent enough), and I plan on just wearing that to a BG and staying behind people. I don't think it's the fairest thing in the world to shaft druids like this for the achieve... but I don't think it'll be too difficult to survive and still put out a bit of useful damage. I just don't want to change a whole spec for it :)
*crosses fingers*
i never though of the vehicle thing, don't you lose the costume when you jump in a vehicle?
Nope. You only lose the costume when you die, or when you shapeshift.
This is how I got the achieve last year.
The best part is -- for those of us who are terribad at PVP, it's also a way to get the achieve while somewhat contributing -- because let's face it, if I'm out there trying to do damage or heal, I'm little more than a honor pinata for the Horde to beat on.
when i got this (ages ago) i did so with a brief stint as resto (in full feral pvp gear + healing weapon). hid in bushes and hotted everything in AV.
while i hate that this achieve pretty much screws ferals...... i have to admit that i secretly love achieves that bring the terrible pve crowd into BGs and my lovin' claws....
If you're all feral go Strand of the Ancients. If you start off defending, jump in the cannons and shoot everybody. If attacking, try to hang in the back unless you are confident you will make it to the chamber without dying.
EDIT: Just tried this myself, only took 4 runs. Probably less if you get a good group. Don't forget to buff as many teammates as you can. I was getting credit for kills I was no where near.
when i got this (ages ago) i did so with a brief stint as resto (in full feral pvp gear + healing weapon). hid in bushes and hotted everything in AV.
while i hate that this achieve pretty much screws ferals...... i have to admit that i secretly love achieves that bring the terrible pve crowd into BGs and my lovin' claws....
Doesn't it screw boomkin too? And Resto who use treeform?
Took me 5 AV's. Mostly because I kept hitting Moonkin Form by force of habit.
LSS: Go in your PvE gear and follow the big group.
I just went reso and played with some friends.
The only hard part is making yourself NOT shapeshift... I mean, you know you cant... I swear its muscle memory.
This achievement really punished me for going feral MS feral OS.
Running around as an ugly gnome doing nothing hoping to ninja some HK's from other people doing all the work is NOT fun and is BAD game design.
1) Remove the stupid achievement
2) Change it to "get 50 HK's with your little help friend out" which would put it more in line with other achievements of the same nature
3) Just !@#$ing let feral druids shift and not break the costume...they've done it with other items so theres no excuse that it's not possible
I don't remember this being particularly hard.
1. Transform into Xmas gnome
2. Queue for BG
3. Stand at the back and toss heals
Repeat as necessary.
Uh, all I had to do was queue for IoC and hop in the cannon. If you think this one is bad, I'm sure you'll ENJOY Children's Week.
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