Thursday, April 12, 2012

Resto druid mastery breakpoints?

[:1]I can't seem to find a list of resto druid mastery rating breakpoints

TOTAL MASTERY RATING (just making it up to explain what I'm looking for)
1000 = +20%
1200 = +21%
1400 = +22%
1500 = +23%

It would be good to know to optimize my stats by reforging
Right so, you have 8 mastery to start, the 1.45% is per point of mastery, not points of rating. Those aren't breakpoints btw, it's a smooth continuous curve. It continually adds benefit.

172 mastery rating gives 1 mastery so 1.72 mastery rating is 1.45% symbiosis.
The only Mastery I know of with defined breakpoints is Balance. The rest of the masteries in the game scale like a normal stat does.
The only breakpoints for resto are haste ones.
thanks a lot Serath
ok so i really haven't seen definite answers anywhere for mastery "breakpoints" so i sat down this morning and figured some numbers out and roughly its 143 mastery rating for 1% in harmony gain but at the same time these numbers are rounded so it might be 144 mastery in some cases here are the few i came up with that will work. i only started with 22% cause that where my gear is if u need more or less than i have types out please use 143 mastery rating to go less than 22% and 144 to go more than 25%. These numbers also take into effect that u start with 8 mastery.

Mastery rating --------- Harmony
1722 --------------------- 22%
1866 --------------------- 23%
2009 --------------------- 24%
2152 --------------------- 25%

This is my current mastery for an example: Mastery 18.42 (8+10.42), Mastery Rating 1868 (+10.42), Harmony 23%

hope this helps people that doesn't understand or just doesn't have the time to figure it out
Shooting for whole numbers of mastery is really just a matter of making your character sheet look pretty. Like Serath said, mastery is a continuous curve, so there are no "breakpoints" to shoot for. Every point of mastery rating you get benefits you the same as the last one.

1434 20%
1578 21%
1721 22%
1864 23%
2008 24%
2151 25%
"Mastery rating:
143.42 mastery rating adds 1% to our Harmony bonus. This is essentially a flat bonus to all healing (albeit an additive bonus, so slightly weaker than it looks). Aside from haste breakpoints, mastery is the secondary stat giving the best throughput increase."

by Hamlet
"Mastery rating:
143.42 mastery rating adds 1% to our Harmony bonus. This is essentially a flat bonus to all healing (albeit an additive bonus, so slightly weaker than it looks). Aside from haste breakpoints, mastery is the secondary stat giving the best throughput increase."

by Hamlet

No it's 1.25% per point
I still think Egnahc's stats useful because it allowed me to aim for a particular reachable mastery percentage with my current gear rather than somewhere random inbetween the two and the rest I could try and reforge into spirit. For instance the 22-23% is roughly 140 mastery which could be converted into spirit until I get more heroic pieces, in which case I repeat the process to squeeze out all the regen I can. Tedious I know but every little bit counts, I've found that I'm needing a lot more regen for heroic progression in fights that are starting to test my mana pool like spine - which more or less requires a continuous amount of healing output.
If you want to necro a thread, you should at least read through the rest of the thread to see how wrong and stupid the opening post is, so you don't end up doing something wrong and stupid.
*face-palms, turns around, and walks out the door I came in*
I'm merely saying that it wasn't a total waste of a thread since although what he was asking was incorrect in the sense of there being no break points of mastery like there is for haste, it was still useful. I actually wasn't looking at the date before I replied, wasn't intentionally 'necroing' this thread, just simply commenting so you don't need to get worked up.

This is my current mastery for an example: Mastery 18.42 (8+10.42), Mastery Rating 1868 (+10.42), Harmony 23%

You mastery is high but you only have 2143 spirit. Don't you run oom on heroic fights? For example such as in 25 man ds?

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