Thursday, April 12, 2012

Disconnecting when using Feral Charge (cat)

[:1]I keep disconnecting when I Feral Charge in combat. It's happened in End Time, Baradin Hold and repeatedly on the dummies in Stormwind.

Anyone else had this problem?
I keep disconnecting when I Feral Charge in combat. It's happened in End Time, Baradin Hold and repeatedly on the dummies in Stormwind.

Anyone else had this problem?

I keep disconnecting when I Feral Charge in combat. It's happened in End Time, Baradin Hold and repeatedly on the dummies in Stormwind.

Anyone else had this problem?


Got a fix or are you still having trouble? I've tried everything I can think of, still keeps happening.
Man, so THAT'S alarming... I'm still "Reconfiguring game files. Please wait."-ing... so I cannot confirm.
I've not had that issue (Windows 7 computer)...

Though I did have about 4 rets in my LFR, doing like 130k DPS each. No, not damage, you heard me right. DPS, apiece. Wtf?? Yorsaj had like 1 round of Oozes before he died. rofl

(Oh, and if you have rets in your group, turn off Recount / Skada / etc. You'll lag less.)
This has been happening to me for a while now. I mostly do arena and it seems to happen most often when my target LOS right when I feral charge. If i do 20 matches it is almost guarantee to happen at least once. So it happens quite often. I just figured it was happening to everyone like the NE range bug which we have all given up on ever getting fixed.
I used to disconnect when using Feral Charge bear but that hasn't happened to me in years,
I did ~25 matches last night in 3s; had no DC problems.

I DID have 3 losses because a Ret pally said "ohheysup120kgcd!" from seals... so that was neat. Still kept my 75% wl-ratio, though >_<
Same thing happening to me seems over last 2 weeks to be the worst. Keep disconnecting when using feral charge I've tryed everything been happening one out of 20 arenas and quite a lot in battleground . Ive gone to not jawing this skill but no feral charge really this needs to be fixed
Yes happens for illegal jumps on targets. DC.
The OP is kind of old, but it had to do with blizz. It has not happend to me in a couple of months. But when it was happening, my goblin's and druid jump, would dc me every the time. There was a quick fix that took care of this I beleive.
I have been disconnected at least 4 times when I was jumping in the air.
Kind of sad because I abuse my space bar.

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