Thursday, April 12, 2012

feral (bear) flag carrier info wanted.

[:1]So there's not alot of flag carriers on my realm so i decided to start gearing up my feral set after i almost got decked out in full resto. If u look at my resto talents you will laugh right now because i put points in aggresive things im a very angry tree right now.

Anywho I cannot find a single thing anywhere of feral flag carriers for 4.3. I was in understanding that there is a famous teslabeam that was 3k rated but he must have had a name change or something. I would really like to seek advice from someone that could help a nooby flag runner
Holy moley. You definitely may want to fix the talents. You definitely want to max Heart of the Wild (maxing your INT gets you powerful) and Improved Rejuvenation. Nature's Ward, if you want that at all, should only have one point into it.

Edit: And as Resto, you only need 1 point into Balance of Power. 2 is gross overkill.

Unfortunately, even with Blizzard's lame decision to "take away perma tree to allow restos to put out damage at the same time," we STILL are useless in the damage department. I mean, entirely. Trying to be the angry tree is a great idea, but we just don't have the capabilities to put out any notable damage under any circumstances anywhere.
There was a REALLY awesome post for Feral FC advice (below) that I haven't yet compiled and put into the sticky because I'm a baddy.
I end up off-FCing a lot in rbgs. If they snag our FC in the begining I usually take off like a bat-outta-hell and go grab it.

Most of the time ferals lose out on main FC to DKs and Prot wars. Im happy to see a feral take the challenge tho! Our speed sometimes makes up for squishiness in the bigger maps like TP. The best of luck to you! Keeps us posted, I would love to see how it turns out!

P.S. Tas your post made me chuckle pretty hard. :P

Thank you guys for all the posts .. yea umm.. bark nuts like i said i was just a angry tree my healers were trolled so bad one ended up qq'ing and i wasn't to happy about it so i went awol in bgs freaking that fury of whatever its called proc's like it when out of style i have problems beating u will see tho wrath does 10k some times... i have insect swarm and starsurge glyphed thinking about changing it, for wrath

so late in the season i wish they would stop releasing content so fast lol "feels" like next month im going to try be a panda fcing the reduced fall dmg racial is going to be op in my opinion . The problem im running into is the team i go against trolling my heals. im afraid to pop forms to cyclone the dk and bash the mage... especially in mid field we went against a heavly melee team it was so bad ...really wish i had a frost mage with me at least one that understands its ok to waste deep freezes as a extra cc....i kept getting griped back...kidney shoted in smoke bombs or hojed.....

But from what i understand from reading the forum and i like to yet again thank u guys for ur input is that we should stack resilience through the roof? i understand that i have 3 cds and that when there gone im going to be a sad panda ... as i went about this rant i read about what Sinthetiks said about the smoke bomb in your forum thats good advice...i almost feel like i get blamed for being in smoke bomb.. and as Terias says "theres almost nothing you can do for yourself lol... if anyone one has any input i would love to share ideas and strategys to make this work...

looking at my spec for feral im thinking about taking the points out the stampede and puting it into primal madness the rage could come in handy but so can the stampede GUHHHHH! decisions decisions
HELLO, i did some changes with my talents and stats im almost at 5k resilence..... the first few games were rough but... we decided to scrap the group and regroup with a different variety for comp but it wasn't to bad ....

anyways now i would like to inquire about resilience scaleing,, how well does it stack ?
The damage reduction percentage for resilience has diminishing returns the more you get, however each point still gives you more effective health than the previous points.

That is, even though resilience diminishes, it's still worth getting as much of it as you can.
Just remember NS + Cyclone or Roots is instant. and if you're being chased by some UH DK with Unholy Frenzy on use Soothe to remove that buff :) Other than that go get that flag!

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