Thursday, April 12, 2012

Feral DPS To haste or not to haste!

[:1]I honestly dont know what to do here! Most sites and people are also in doubt!
I not using haste right now and pull 22k dps.
I got 67% bleed damage , 43.80% crit , 465 rating haste, recovering about 10.40 energy per second!
So i reforjed a bit and ended up with 57% bleed , 41%crit , and 11.01 energy regen!
I didnt actually test it on bosses but i ddint see much improve in energy and lost a bit of dps on dummie!
Should i still try to use haste?What you guys think?

PS: All stats with cat form and mark of the wild!
That's a lot of exclamation points!

Have you tried looking at mew?!

It's the most likely place you'll get a quantitative answer, instead of just "whatever feels best"!

Oh yeah: !

Hey Molgor, ima cat on your server. I could give the dps stats discussion here on my phone but don't really want to, but if you'd like to talk to me, add and I'd be happy to help. Will be on sometime tonight.
2. Gear
Secondary Stats - As of 4.2, all of our secondary stats are extremely close in value on paper, and decisions to a large degree are now influenced by human factors (reaction time) and the encounters you will be facing. It is now a good idea (but not absolutely necessary) to cap your Hit and Expertise, especially for AE fights where you are spamming swipes. Mastery is still the best when you are able to DOT up 2-3 targets, but will drastically lose its value when you abandon the 2T11 bonus.

2.4 Reforging and Optimization

Generally, you will not squeeze significant amount of DPS out of optimizing your reforges. However there are a few factors to consider.

1. Mastery is still quite strong until you lose the 2T11 bonus. It is good if you get to DOT up a few targets, but it is useless for Swipe Spamming
2. Capping Hit and Expertise is a good idea now, especially for Swipe Spamming.
3. Mew Simulations does show that the value of Haste increases with the 2T12 bonus, and increases even more with 4T12 bonus becoming significantly better than the other stats.
4. However, Mew Simulations will tend to over-value Haste because it assumes a perfect player - Haste generally requires the most skill (and good latency) to reap its maximum benefit.

If you are obsessed with maximizing your potential, you should consult with Mew Simulations and/or the advanced cat theorycrafting forums (see [below])

This program requires that you enter your caster-form unbuffed stats and it will tell you about how important any given stat is for you:
It even allows you to figure out your best stats for any raid group you normally run with by allowing you to change what buffs you have. It's pretty nifty.
You know, there's one thing that's always irked me a bit about that stickied information: you don't need to cap hit or expertise to be good at swipe-spamming for AoE. Almost all instances of AoE involve mobs that are level 87 or lower. Simply get enough hit/exp to push miss/dodge off the table for level 87 mobs and there you go.

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