Thursday, April 12, 2012

Evidence of Perma-Tree back on MoP??

[:1]I thiiiink they might actually be considering to bring old permanent Broccoli shapeshift form back!

For MoP we have this new talent tree entirely based on shapeshifting. But talking about Resto Druids, we have one spec that would be shapeshifting so rarely...

I'm not sure, but it might be provoking difficulty in the class design for them. Well, if we take a closer look at talents like Incarnation and Heart of the Wild, we might have a clue or two:

On Incarnate, ToL mentions spell boosts and armor buff, but it misses X% healing boost. It might indicate that permanent Broccoli shapeshift form is back with X% healing boost, and we get the Super Broccoli form (current ToL cooldown spell) to get extra armor and enhanced spells. Pretty much like moonkin form and the Choosen of Elune shapeshift given by Incarnation.

Now on Heart of the Wild - this is a long shot - It doesn't even mention Resto spec effects, because now officially the spec has no permanent shapeshift. I think it indicates they are considering reverting this decision back to permanent broccoli form, and then having a proper HotW effect for it. HotW will involve shifting OUT of form for moonkins and, if I'm assuming right, Resto broccoli. They need to know what broccoli shapeshift will provide us to know what it need to perform temporarily as a caster dps for 45s.

We will never get a confirmation at this point, but I could bet some Living Embers they are at least considering this now.

As always, thanks for any constructive addition to the conversation!


I died a little inside when it was turned into a cooldown, I can only hope they consider it.
ditto. i miss muh broccoli

Yeah, I think that people consistently reported to be unhappy about the chance the entire Cata x-pack so far.

This consistency, plus the difficulty to deal with talents for a spec without permanent shapeshift, might make them consider to revert it back to broccoli.

Just to make things clear, I have no strong opinion about ToL being just a cooldown or a permanent shapeshift. I just draw the conclusions from the bits of info they released. :)


I really hope that this is true as it might be enough to make resto fun for me again despite the upcoming changes to healing i'm nervous about. I know some hate it and I respect that, but I really miss tree form. I just feel like less of a druid without it. They should simply allow people to chose whether they want to have it or not (maybe balance too), and get rid of poly immunity or whatever the pvp objection to it was, I forget.
Losing tree form was one of the two things that put me off Cata before it even launched (the other being the RealID debacle). If they gave it back in Kung Fu Panda I might consider reactivating the account that has my old resto druid on it.
I'm really undecided about tree form. I kind of like Alys's idea... maybe make it a minor glyph or something to either have the form or not have to use the form

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