Thursday, April 12, 2012

How important is Spirit for Resto?

[:1]I've been researching around the past couple days while trying out a healing toon and I have yet to find a real solid answer for where spirit fits in to the stat priorities. From what I've seen so far it's Int>Haste tick caps (2050 is the best cap I think?)>Mastery=Crit? I'm not 100% sure on the priorities either so correct me if I'm wrong there as well. I know I'm not 85 and/or even geared correctly at this level but I'm planning on hitting that in a week or so and I like to read up on classes a lot before I make myself look like an idiot in heroics/raids so excuse me if I'm totally off, I started on this a couple days ago.
Spirit is very important since, obviously, it affects your mana regen rate. However, there is no set number to go for since it's a personal thing. People are going to claim 2000 Spirit is the sweet spot, but that's for them and their raid group, not for you.

You want enough so that you can handle the content you're doing with the group you're experiencing it with, and that should be covered by the Spirit that naturally comes with the gear you're acquiring.
Spirit becomes less important the better your gear gets. Druid mana regen effects all key off maximum mana, so the higher your intellect, the less dependent upon Spirit you get.

I think I peaked at 2500 very early on, but I've scaled down as low as 1600 and not had problems once I started getting heroic raid loot.

As long as u have 2 pcs of t12 bonus where you get a chance with LB to get back % of your mana. On some tough fights when raid takes aoe damage, pop into Tree of Life form and spam on raid members LB (yes in tree of life you can spam LB on many targets NOT just one). I went from OOM to full mana within seconds without using innervate
If your consistently finishing fights with 50% or more mana, your using to much spirit... Its wasted at that point.

If your having mana issues or going oom before the end of the fight, your reforging to much out... Its all about your personal play style.
Alright thanks, appreciate it, think I have a good idea of it now. What about the stat priority I listed? Is that right or no? It seems everything about stats and stat priority seems to be loose for Resto druids so I just want to know if I'm on the right track.
Yes you are correct on your stat list, int>haste>crit=mastery (least I think on that last part, it kind of depends on your spec a bit and the type of healing you're doing, tank healing, over all raid healer (not specific to a tank) pvp etc... The spirit is really just what you feel comfortable with, if you're always finishing fights pretty low on mana perhaps you'll want a bit more spirit until you get your int. higher. But int. generally gives more mana return plus sp, plus crit, so int should come first as long as you're not so low in spirit that you're straining your self.

As an aside I rarely pve heal so I'm not sure if any of the tiers which you might be commonly healing involve a lot of movement but if you're moving a lot for obvious reasons I would go with crit over mastery since swiftmend is really your only viable sustainable source of keeping mastery up over movement intensive encounters.
INT>Haste to highest attainable relevant breakpoint*>spirit until comfortable>Mastery>Crit

Mastery and crit can be very close at some gear levels, but it's usually better to go with the more consistent benefit over the RNG, which is why I have them ranked that way.

As far as Haste, 2005 is the general goal, but that assumes you have the %5 haste buff from a shadowpriest, boomkin, or Wrath of Air totem. If you ahve that buff and Dark Intent, that number goes down to 1573. There are spreadsheets aplenty that break down which target you want based on buffs.

Base breakpoints are 916 (Rejuv tick) and 2005 (Wild Growth tick). Those are modified by buffs available, as mentioned above. If you have Shard of Woe, your high target goes to 2032, because the Haste on-use allows for more ticks to be gained while active if you have that extra haste normally. If you dont' have shard, there is no need to go above 2005 unless you're lacking the %5 buff (in which case you need a bit more than 2050).
As an aside I rarely pve heal so I'm not sure if any of the tiers which you might be commonly healing involve a lot of movement but if you're moving a lot for obvious reasons I would go with crit over mastery since swiftmend is really your only viable sustainable source of keeping mastery up over movement intensive encounters

Even the most mobile encounters afford plenty of opportunities to stand still and hard-cast a Nourish.

In PVE, predictible mastery is always better than RNG crit.
Even the most mobile encounters afford plenty of opportunities to stand still and hard-cast a Nourish.

In PVE, predictible mastery is always better than RNG crit.
Glad some one with pve experience can help you out, thanks Thequay. I just wasn't sure if any substantial encounters had really healing intensive portions that required prolonged movement on the druids part that would lead to holding a mastery buff up 'difficult' at best.

If you're going to pvp tho, especially bg's over arena I maintain crit is probably your better choice over mastery.
If you get the bis trinks you can reforge all spirit and be oom-proof, so go get those trinks and become a god, and 2/3 furor

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