Saturday, April 14, 2012

2005 BP. and its true effictiveness in 4.3

[:1]The Nerf to WG seems to be pretty substantial, although I was still competitive my numbers weren't quite as high as they previously were, however when I altered my healing to a more retro style of hardcore rejuving the raid, I saw some pretty significant results. However, although mana is not really an issue when following a conservative approach it does seem to become a slight issue when hardcore rejuving. With these issues in mind, I was thinking that undergoing the 2005 haste breakpoint might not be such a bad thing, due to the nerf on WG. Instead we could hover around the 1422 haste breakpoint and instead look to maximize mastery/spirit as more of a priority to allow for a harder rejuv spamming style, much like the mindlessly powerful style we used during most of wrath. With the scale in gear in 4.3,+ adding blessing of grove/genesis if not already included in spec we might see some pretty high thoroughput that WG might not be able to provide. Also by foregoing the 2005 haste cap, we should be able to maintain a high crit/mastery base while going out of the 1900-2100 spirit zone most of us seem to be in and head to a 2400-2500 spirit zone that will allow for much harder rejuv spam. What do you guys think? Again these are just thoughts on my mind, so any ur a dumb**** comments aren't necessary. I realize I left out alot of components about the 2005 haste cap like its effect on efflo, just wanted to see other opinion on the subject. Thanks!
I have not even had a chance to play this char yet since the patch. I dont mind saying im scared to death what this did to healing. I understand your concern is raid heals, and going back to rejuv blankets on the raid is not something I would think viable in this druid heal model. But I dont know with the right gear and stats I suppose it could work out.

My concern is pvp, if this nerf is as bad as I think it is, then that will weaken rdruids even more.
I also saw rejuv overtaking WG in healing done in our raid last night. Rejuv has always been one of our top heals on the meter, but I agree, the nerf hit hard this time. With that last extra tick on WG hitting for less than 1k heals (since each subsequent tick decays), I'm not sure I should keep my 2005 haste either.

I did find myself spamming Rejuv more and using the 30% haste from that to spam nourish to take up the slack. I'm seriously considering reforging to what you just said- more mastery and crit- and seeing how that works out.

2005 haste is also a breakpoint for efflor and rejuv with nature's grace. It's still worth keeping 2005. Spirit will never be more effective than mastery in terms of healing done. Wild growth is still better hpct than everything but efflor and tranquility. Nothing has changed for us this tier in terms of gearing or spell selection.

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