Saturday, April 14, 2012

If Druids had other forms for other classes..

[:1]Let me explain.

If Druids had a form that let them mimic any other class in the game, the way they do with Bear->Warrior and Cat->Rogue, what do you think they'd be? Can be any thing a Druid might ever turn into.

Heres my list:

Bat->Warlock--I figured Cloth classes should turn into winged things, to stick with the Druids of the Talon.

Plague Bear-> Death Knight--Dead Bear=Dead Warrior, simple enough


Lion->Hunter--King of the Jungle, thought it'd fit.



Wolf->Shaman--This ones debatable. I never really understood what wolves had to do with elements except for the fact that Orcs had Lo'gosh.

Monkey->Monk--Obvious reasons.

No idea for the holy classes. I don't know what creatures could really represent them.

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